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We've teamed up with top insurers such as Ethos to deliver affordable life insurance meant to protect your beneficiaries from financial hardship.

What is life insurance?

Life insurance is a contract between you and an insurance company that promises a monetary payout, commonly called a death benefit, to designated beneficiaries — typically family members — after you pass away. As long as you’ve paid your premiums and the policy is active upon your death, the death benefit will be paid out.

Top factors that impact life insurance premiums

Insurance companies determine your premium based on several individual rating factors, including your age, gender, individual health, your family's health history, your lifestyle, and even your driving record and credit history. Factors affecting life insurance rates include


One of the most important rating factors is your age. Unlike auto insurance, the younger you are, the cheaper your premium will be. This is because younger people are generally healthier and thus, less likely to die soon.


On average, women live longer than men. Insurers use this data to help price premiums. Insurance companies charge higher rates for men since they calculate premiums based on mortality risk.

Personal health history

As previously mentioned, a medical exam of your mental and physical health is routine when you enroll in life insurance. This is another significant indicator of your mortality risk: those in poor health may pay higher rates than those who are in good health.


You will face a higher premiums if tobacco use is part of your lifestyle. Smokers are considered high-risk clients due to the myriad illnesses exacerbated by smoking.

Family health history

Insurers will inquire about your immediate family’s history of illnesses to get an idea of what direction your health will take over time.

Career, lifestyle, and hobbies

Some jobs are riskier than others — but the same applies to how you like to spend your leisure time as well. If you’re a pilot with a passion for skydiving and free climbing, your premium may reflect the elevated risks posed by your lifestyle.

Driving, criminal, and credit records

Although these personal factors affect your premium to a lesser extent than the above, these are still used as risk indicators. For instance, you could be charged a pricier rate if you have a history of getting into car collisions. From the eyes of a life insurance provider, a bad driving record is associated with the heightened risk of the policyholder suffering an accidental death.

Who Needs Life Insurance?

You need life insurance if you need to provide security for a spouse, children, or other family members in the event of your death. Life insurance death benefits, depending on the policy amount, can help beneficiaries pay off a mortgage, cover college tuition, or help fund retirement. Permanent life insurance also features a cash value component that builds over time.

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